Saturday, March 3, 2012

The Quiet on the Other Side

Rainy Saturday morning, snuggled up with coffee on the couch watching Hello, Dolly, which started on some random cable channel exactly when I sat down this morning. Yet another gift from a Universe who, this week, worked some phenomenal magic on my behalf. My gratitude meter has busted its confines, and I have been thinking of a quote I put in my journal a few months ago: "All of my life, I have been a bride married to amazement." You'd think I'd be over it by now, but I am constantly awed by how wishes come true (not free), and how much better life gets all the time. I'm not allowed to say anything more about this for one more month, but then...oh, you just wait. I've got loads to say.

"Put on your Sunday Clothes when you feel down and out..." This song always ends up on my inevitable Happy Spring Mix CD, because it just feels so joyful and clean and optimistic. "Out there...there's a world outside of Yonkers..." I remember Chris singing that in our high school production, all awkward and earnest and gawky at 15, and how in the big choral part of that number, every single girl had a beautiful frou-frou pastel dress and a fabulous hat, and we all felt kind of embarrassed to be wearing it, but also secretly delighted with outselves. I think I'm one of only like eleven people on earth that love the film version with Barbra Streisand, and if I ever direct this show again, I would want to try to capture this quirky, sassy, pink-Valentine feel of this movie. For now, though, I love that I have nothing more important to do this morning than sit on the couch with Abby in our pajamas, with her casting the show in her mind with all of the kids who were just in Into the Woods. Fun game.

A rare weekend with nothing whatsoever that I have to do. I will putter in my scrapbooking stuff, maybe, do some housework, watch Hugo with my family, and just enjoy the brain-space and the quiet.

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